Wash tomatoes and dip in boiling water for 60 seconds or until skins split. Then dip in cold water, slip off skins and remove cores. Trim off any bruised or discolored portions and quarter.
Heat about 1 pound of the quarters quickly in a large pot, crushing them with a wooden spoon. This will draw off some juice. Continue heating the tomatoes, stirring to prevent burning. Once the tomatoes are boiling, gradually add reaining quartered tomatoes, stirring constantly. These remainig tomatoes do not need to be crushed. They will soften with heating and stirring. Continue until all tomatoes are added. then boil gently 5 minutes.
In each jar put:
1 Tbsp of bottled lemon juice to pints
2 Tbsp of bottled lemon juice to quarts
If you wan to add salt: (I do not)
1/2 tsp. in each pint jar
1 tsp. in each quart jar
Then...fill jars immediately with hot tomatoes, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe jar rims. Adjust lids and process.
Boiling Water Bath:
Pints 35 minutes
Quarts 45 minutes